Othello news
European GP 2019 - Ghent
24 March 2019Written by Benkt Steentoft

Takuji Kashiwabara, France, is back as winner in an EGP tournament. Takuji lost one game in the qualification rounds against Jan de Graaf, the Netherlands. It was a tight fight about who should play the final games against Takuji. Three players ended at 8 points. Roel Hobo, the Netherlands, was one (1!) MBQ point ahead against Nick van de Biggelaar, also the Netherlands. So it was exciting last rounds. IF the results had been different in the last rounds, also Tom Schotte (Belgium), Marc Tastet (France), Erwin van den Berg and Niklas Wettergren all could had been one of the players in the third/fourth place game.
The final was between Takuji Kashiwabara and Roel Hobo. The final ended 1,5-1,5. Takuji won with more discs, 103-89. The games ended 32-32, 41-23 & 30-34.
The game about third prize was between Nicky van den Biggelaar and Jan de Graaf. The game ended 42-22 to Nicky. It was a tricky game with an interesting opening.
The Youth Ghent EGP-final was between Wendy de Graaf and Remi Tastet. It was a close game until endgame and move 46. Wendy won the game with 52-12, and her first Youth EGP victory. It is interesting that nine of the 25 players was youth players.
Winners Ghent EGP 2019
1. Takuji Kashiwabara, France
2. Roel Hobo, Netherlands
3. Nicky van den Biggelaar
Best advanced player; Benkt Steentoft, Sweden
Best promising player: Vitek Sladek, Czech Republic
Best beginner: Rémi Tastet, France
Best Junior: Wendy de Graaf, Netherlands
Best female player: Mireille Blijleven, Netherlands
Best performance: Jan de Graaf, Netherlands
Standings 25 players after round 11 :
1: 10. pts [904] KASHIWABARA Takuji {FRA}
2: 8. pts [894] HOBO Roel {NLD}
[867] DE GRAAF Jan C. {NLD}
5: 7. pts [861] SCHOTTE Tom {BEL}
[858] TASTET Marc {FRA}
[829] VAN DEN BERG Erwin {NLD}
8: 6. pts [849] WETTERGREN Niklas {SWE}
[800] HELMES Sido {NLD}
[800] STEENTOFT Benkt {SWE}
[770] TASTET Remi {FRA} (Youth)
[763] REUNES Nick {BEL}
[752] BLIJLEVEN Mireille {NLD}
[742] KJELLBERG Arvid {SWE}
[740] PUZZO Luigi {ITA}
16: 5. pts [691] DE GRAAF Wendy {NLD} (Youth)
[642] SLADEK Vitek {CZE} (Youth)
[625] DE GRAAF Jasmijn {NLD} (Youth)
19: 4.5 pts [622] VERSTUYFT Eline {BEL} (Youth)
20: 4. pts [599] TASTET Sophie {FRA} (Youth)
[564] VERSTUYFT Jana {BEL} (Youth)
22: 3.5 pts [546] VERSTUYFT Bart {BEL}
23: 2. pts [526] -GRANDJEAN Laurent {BEL}
[423] SCHOTTE Sander {BEL} (Youth)
25: 1. pt [456] SCHOTTE Wout {BEL} (Youth)