Othello news
WOF Annual Meeting 2020 Minutes
9 November 2020Written by W.O.F. Office

World Othello Federation Annual Meeting 2020
7 November 2020
The Minutes
1. Opening of the Annual Meeting 2020
2. Election of the Annual Meeting chairman
Benkt Steentoft as the Annual Meeting 2020 chairman.
3. Election of the Annual Meeting secretary
Tor Birger Skogen as the Annual Meeting 2020 secretary.
4. Election of persons to adjust the minutes
Two volunteers will adjust and sign the minutes of the Annual Meeting. The official meeting minutes will be found at worldothello.org.
5. Approval of the agenda.
6. Determination of the voting list
Meeting secretary checked so it was correct.
7. Annual reports and financial report
* See Appendix 2 & 3.
8. Voting for WOF council
A. President for 2 years, 2021-2022.
Guy Plowman was unanimously voted as WOF President 2020-2022.
B. Three council members for 2 years, 2021-2022.
Tom Schotte, Benkt Steentoft and Tadataka Maehata was all voted yes to continue as WOF Head council 2020-2022.
9. Votes: New WOF statutes
WOF's annual meeting unanimously approved the proposal for new statutes for WOF. The new statutes will be in effect from 7th November 2020.
The new WOF statutes can be found at https://www.worldothello.org/about/wof-statutes .
10. Votes: Incoming motions and proposals
No incoming motions or proposals
11. The end of the annual meeting
Open discussions.
The Open Discussion part have been moved from the WOF Annual meeting date.
WOF council will organize Open Discussions; Online meetings, in November and December where all WOF members will be invited. There everyone can discuss directly with the WOF council and the WOF Committees.
There are several meetings planned. Each meeting will have different themes, such as WOC, Youth activities, online events, etc. At each meeting, members of the WOC board, as well as current heads of WOF committees will be present.
WOF Office will send out dates and registration information.