GENDEN Erdenebat (Mongolia)
5 tournaments
31 results
Player ID: 440073
Rated 30 in Mongolia and 757 in Asia&Oceania&Africa and 1072 in the World
Latest rating: 1070
WOF online rating: 1800, view profile on Vint.ee
31 results
Player ID: 440073
Rated 30 in Mongolia and 757 in Asia&Oceania&Africa and 1072 in the World
Latest rating: 1070
WOF online rating: 1800, view profile on Vint.ee
2024-11-23: Baganuur open(Mongolia)
2024-03-01: Chansaa 14, Master(Mongolia)
BADRAKH Bolor-Od | 12-52 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 52-12 | BUUVEIBAATAR Tegshjargal |
SASHKA Chinzorig | 64-00 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 46-18 | JIGMEDDORJ Naran-Erdene |
ULZIIDELGER Delger-Uils | 48-16 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
BATBAYAR Sanchir | 16-48 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 45-19 | TSEGMID Ayushbaatar |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 63-01 | MANDAKHBAYAR Enkhmaral |
JAMSRAN Shinebayar | 27-37 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 36-28 | ENKHBOLD Nandinkhuu |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 10-54 | ERDENEBAT Narantuya |
SASHKA Chinzorig | 24-40 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 13-51 | BAATAR Nomin |
2023-04-15: Chansaa 12, Master(Mongolia)
GENDEN Erdenebat | 31-33 | BANZRAGCH Garmaa |
BAATAR Nomin | 18-46 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 28-36 | SELENGE Bat-Erdene |
DULAMSUREN Oyungerel | 17-47 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 13-51 | BATSUKH Bolortuul |
PUREVSED Joseph | 14-50 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
2019-11-23: Erdenet Open 2019, adults(Mongolia)
2019-06-15: Chansaa III, Adults(Mongolia)
CHIMEDBADAM Chamintsetseg | 18-46 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
BATTULGA Namkhai | 50-14 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 55-09 | ALTANTSETSEG Purevsuren |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 00-64 | SASHKA Chinzorig |
BAYASGALAN Munkhdelger | 14-50 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
UUGANBAYAR Anar | 51-13 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 10-54 | BATZORIG Erdenesuvd |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 31-33 | ALTANTSETSEG Purevsuren |
NATSAGDORJ Nyam-Ochir | 55-09 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 51-13 | SER-OD Gansonguuli |
BADRALCHULUUN Tuguldur | 04-60 | GENDEN Erdenebat |
GENDEN Erdenebat | 35-29 | TUVDUU Erdenezaya |