
Selection de Lille (France)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

    2788, LECAT, Monique, B,  5, 207
    3598, LEVY-ABEGNOLI, Thierry, F,  4, 226
    5903, LECAT, Florian, B,  3, 155
 + 50032, LECHIEN, Vianney, F,  2, 128
    5922, LECAT, Vincent, B,  1, 124


Here are all results.

2010-08-07: Selection de Lille(France)
LEVY-ABEGNOLI Thierry30-34LECAT Monique
LECAT Vincent24-40LECHIEN Vianney
LECAT Florian55-09LECAT Vincent
LECAT Monique53-11LECHIEN Vianney
LEVY-ABEGNOLI Thierry63-01LECAT Florian
LECAT Vincent22-42LEVY-ABEGNOLI Thierry
LECAT Florian19-45LECAT Monique
LECHIEN Vianney24-40LECAT Florian
LECAT Monique35-29LECAT Vincent