CI Assoluti B - Milano (Italy)
2009-09-26 → 2009-09-27
2009-09-26 → 2009-09-27
Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.
ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break 40002, ILACQUA, Gianluca +40006, CHIARULLI, Giuseppe, {I} 2933, PRIVITERA, Francesco 3061, DE LEO, Maurizio +40007, ZHONG, Victor, {I} +40008, VANZINI, Paolo, {I} 2830, FANELLO, Roberto 2996, DELLABIANCA, Giovanni +40009, PIROVANO, Domenico, {I} +40010, ANGELONI, Giancarlo, {I} 3045, ACCIARO, Giuseppe
List of players
- ACCIARO Giuseppe (Italy)
- ANGELONI Giancarlo (Italy)
- CHIARULLI Giuseppe (Italy)
- DE LEO Maurizio (Italy)
- DELLABIANCA Giovanni (Italy)
- FANELLO Roberto (Italy)
- ILACQUA Gianluca (Italy)
- PIROVANO Domenico (Italy)
- PRIVITERA Francesco (Italy)
- VANZINI Paolo (Italy)
- ZHONG Victor (Italy)
11 players
Here are all results.
2009-09-26 → 2009-09-27: CI Assoluti B - Milano(Italy)ILACQUA Gianluca | 36-28 | ACCIARO Giuseppe |
ANGELONI Giancarlo | 21-43 | DE LEO Maurizio |
DELLABIANCA Giovanni | 47-17 | PIROVANO Domenico |
VANZINI Paolo | 29-35 | FANELLO Roberto |
PRIVITERA Francesco | 51-13 | ZHONG Victor |
FANELLO Roberto | 50-14 | ILACQUA Gianluca |
DE LEO Maurizio | 46-18 | DELLABIANCA Giovanni |
ACCIARO Giuseppe | 27-37 | PRIVITERA Francesco |
ZHONG Victor | 51-13 | ANGELONI Giancarlo |
PIROVANO Domenico | 00-64 | VANZINI Paolo |
PRIVITERA Francesco | 51-13 | DE LEO Maurizio |
DELLABIANCA Giovanni | 21-43 | FANELLO Roberto |
VANZINI Paolo | 33-31 | ZHONG Victor |
ILACQUA Gianluca | 55-09 | PIROVANO Domenico |
ANGELONI Giancarlo | 31-33 | CHIARULLI Giuseppe |
FANELLO Roberto | 26-38 | PRIVITERA Francesco |
DE LEO Maurizio | 13-51 | VANZINI Paolo |
ZHONG Victor | 19-45 | ILACQUA Gianluca |
CHIARULLI Giuseppe | 15-49 | DELLABIANCA Giovanni |
ACCIARO Giuseppe | 34-30 | ANGELONI Giancarlo |
PRIVITERA Francesco | 24-40 | VANZINI Paolo |
ILACQUA Gianluca | 37-27 | CHIARULLI Giuseppe |
ANGELONI Giancarlo | 17-47 | FANELLO Roberto |
DE LEO Maurizio | 55-09 | ACCIARO Giuseppe |
DELLABIANCA Giovanni | 44-20 | ZHONG Victor |
VANZINI Paolo | 23-41 | ILACQUA Gianluca |
FANELLO Roberto | 39-25 | ZHONG Victor |
ANGELONI Giancarlo | 4-60 | PRIVITERA Francesco |
ACCIARO Giuseppe | 13-51 | DELLABIANCA Giovanni |
CHIARULLI Giuseppe | 20-44 | DE LEO Maurizio |
ILACQUA Gianluca | 50-14 | PRIVITERA Francesco |
DE LEO Maurizio | 33-31 | FANELLO Roberto |
VANZINI Paolo | 39-25 | ACCIARO Giuseppe |
DELLABIANCA Giovanni | 62-02 | ANGELONI Giancarlo |
ZHONG Victor | 38-26 | CHIARULLI Giuseppe |
ILACQUA Gianluca | won against | PRIVITERA Francesco |
ILACQUA Gianluca | lost to | PRIVITERA Francesco |
ILACQUA Gianluca | won against | PRIVITERA Francesco |
FANELLO Roberto | won against | VANZINI Paolo |
FANELLO Roberto | lost to | VANZINI Paolo |
FANELLO Roberto | won against | VANZINI Paolo |
FANELLO Roberto | won against | ILACQUA Gianluca |
FANELLO Roberto | won against | ILACQUA Gianluca |
VANZINI Paolo | won against | PRIVITERA Francesco |