
XXI Copa de Othello (Brazil)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

  290174, DAIROKUNO, Mitsuru, BRA,  5, 219, 1530
  290025, CORREIA JR., Moises, BRA,  4, 193, 1335
  290051, CORREIA, Rafael Augusto P., BRA,  3, 166, 1041
  290013, FRITSCH, Evans, BRA,  2, 163, 1166
  290031, CEORLIN, Gilberto, BRA,  1, 99, 953


Here are all results.

2020-02-15: XXI Copa de Othello(Brazil)
DAIROKUNO Mitsuru59-05CEORLIN Gilberto
FRITSCH Evans28-36CORREIA Rafael Augusto P.
CEORLIN Gilberto20-44FRITSCH Evans
CORREIA JR. Moises21-43DAIROKUNO Mitsuru
CORREIA Rafael Augusto P.48-16CEORLIN Gilberto
FRITSCH Evans24-40CORREIA JR. Moises
CORREIA JR. Moises46-18CORREIA Rafael Augusto P.
CORREIA Rafael Augusto P.24-40DAIROKUNO Mitsuru
CEORLIN Gilberto18-46CORREIA JR. Moises