13th Iepen Frysky KampioenSkippen (Netherlands)
Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.
ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break 4012, DE GRAAF, Jan, NL, 6+2, 295 5159, PRASEPTYO, Linda, NL, 5+2, 227 5012, KORTENDIJK, Albert, NL, 4+2, 246 5010, ILBRINK, Jarl, NL, 3+2, 182 5030, KORTENDIJK, Bauke, NL, 3+2, 177 120011, KUPERUS, Jolle, NL, 3,5+1, 231 6196, DE VRIES, Froukje, NL, 3,5+1, 194 6108, KUPERUS, Holbe, NL, 3+1, 214 6201, KUPERUS, Arend, NL, 3+1, 186 5083, SNEEK, Marcel, NL, 2+2, 199 6166, FONSECA NEVES, Natascha, NL, 3, 219 120030, DE VRIES, Marije, NL, 3, 176 120016, KUPERUS, Jorrit, NL, 2+1, 150 6197, DE VRIES, Tjitze, NL, 2, 147 120018, MELISSEN, Lora, NL, 1,5, 122 120017, MELISSEN, Joren, NL, 0,5+1, 107
List of players
- DE GRAAF Jan C. (Netherlands)
- DE VRIES Marije (Netherlands)
- DE VRIES Tjitze (Netherlands)
- DE VRIES Froukje (Netherlands)
- FONSECA NEVES Natascha (Netherlands)
- ILBRINK Jarl (Netherlands)
- KORTENDIJK Bauke (Netherlands)
- KORTENDIJK Albert (Netherlands)
- KUPERUS Holbe (Netherlands)
- KUPERUS Arend (Netherlands)
- KUPERUS Jorrit (Netherlands)
- KUPERUS Jolle (Netherlands)
- MELISSEN Joren (Netherlands)
- MELISSEN Lora (Netherlands)
- PRASEPTYO Linda (Netherlands)
- SNEEK Marcel (Netherlands)
16 players
Here are all results.
2014-06-15: 13th Iepen Frysky KampioenSkippen(Netherlands)SNEEK Marcel | 27-37 | ILBRINK Jarl |
KORTENDIJK Bauke | 12-52 | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
PRASEPTYO Linda | 41-23 | KORTENDIJK Albert |
DE VRIES Froukje | 32-32 | MELISSEN Joren |
KUPERUS Holbe | 51-13 | KUPERUS Arend |
KUPERUS Jolle | 64-00 | KUPERUS Jorrit |
MELISSEN Lora | 08-56 | FONSECA NEVES Natascha |
DE VRIES Marije | 41-23 | DE VRIES Tjitze |
ILBRINK Jarl | 12-52 | PRASEPTYO Linda |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | 50-14 | KUPERUS Holbe |
KORTENDIJK Albert | 50-14 | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
KUPERUS Jolle | 17-47 | DE VRIES Froukje |
MELISSEN Joren | 08-56 | SNEEK Marcel |
FONSECA NEVES Natascha | 28-36 | KUPERUS Arend |
KUPERUS Jorrit | 55-09 | DE VRIES Marije |
DE VRIES Tjitze | 32-32 | MELISSEN Lora |
PRASEPTYO Linda | 12-52 | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
SNEEK Marcel | 19-45 | KORTENDIJK Albert |
DE VRIES Froukje | 10-54 | ILBRINK Jarl |
KORTENDIJK Bauke | 40-24 | KUPERUS Jolle |
KUPERUS Arend | 49-15 | KUPERUS Jorrit |
KUPERUS Holbe | 64-00 | MELISSEN Joren |
FONSECA NEVES Natascha | 58-06 | DE VRIES Tjitze |
DE VRIES Marije | 49-15 | MELISSEN Lora |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | 54-10 | ILBRINK Jarl |
KORTENDIJK Albert | 61-03 | KUPERUS Holbe |
PRASEPTYO Linda | 44-20 | SNEEK Marcel |
KUPERUS Arend | 30-34 | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
DE VRIES Froukje | 44-20 | DE VRIES Marije |
KUPERUS Jorrit | 22-42 | FONSECA NEVES Natascha |
DE VRIES Tjitze | 32-32 | KUPERUS Jolle |
MELISSEN Joren | 25-39 | MELISSEN Lora |
KORTENDIJK Albert | 20-44 | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
KORTENDIJK Bauke | 26-38 | PRASEPTYO Linda |
ILBRINK Jarl | 52-12 | FONSECA NEVES Natascha |
KUPERUS Holbe | 27-37 | DE VRIES Froukje |
SNEEK Marcel | 56-08 | KUPERUS Arend |
KUPERUS Jolle | 53-11 | DE VRIES Marije |
MELISSEN Lora | 19-45 | KUPERUS Jorrit |
DE VRIES Tjitze | 40-24 | MELISSEN Joren |
ILBRINK Jarl | 17-47 | KORTENDIJK Albert |
PRASEPTYO Linda | 40-24 | DE VRIES Froukje |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | 43-21 | SNEEK Marcel |
FONSECA NEVES Natascha | 23-41 | KUPERUS Jolle |
KUPERUS Jorrit | 13-51 | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
KUPERUS Arend | 50-14 | DE VRIES Tjitze |
MELISSEN Lora | 09-55 | KUPERUS Holbe |
DE VRIES Marije | 46-18 | MELISSEN Joren |