
28_Meijin (Japan)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

   4014, TOMINAGA, kenta, J, 3.0, 110
    299, MURAKAMI, takeshi, J, 2.0, 103
   5532, ENOMOTO, yasuhiro, J, 2.0, 86
   5530, NODA, bintatsu, J, 1.0, 89
   5507, TSUCHIDA, daisuke, J, 0.0, 31
    700, NAKAJIMA, tetsuya, J, 0.0, 31
   5523, ARAKI, yasuyuki, J, 0.0, 31
   5669, NAKANO, shunsuke, J, 0.0, 31


Here are all results.

2007-03-25: 28_Meijin(Japan)
TOMINAGA Kenta33-31NAKANO Shunsuke
MURAKAMI Takeshi33-31ARAKI Yasuyuki
ENOMOTO Yasuhiro33-31NAKAJIMA Tetsuya
NODA Bintatsu33-31TSUCHIDA Daisuke
ENOMOTO Yasuhiro33-31NODA Bintatsu
TOMINAGA Kenta44-20ENOMOTO Yasuhiro
MURAKAMI Takeshi39-25NODA Bintatsu