Cambridge Open (Great-Britain)
2015-02-28 → 2015-03-01
2015-02-28 → 2015-03-01
Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.
ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break 5301, BERG, Matthias, DEU, 10.5, 562, 2182 79, LEADER, Imre, GBR, 10, 564, 2167 320, PLOWMAN, Guy, GBR, 9, 515, 1956 2843, STANZIONE, Pierluigi, ITA, 8.5, 469, 1786 2065, MARSON, Phil, GBR, 7, 415, 1736 2341, BRAND, Richard, GBR, 6, 372, 1537 100027, PLOWMAN, Mark, GBR, 5, 280, 0 2069, PLOWMAN, Luke, GBR, 4, 293, 1038 100023, BRAND, Henry, GBR, 4, 273, 0 100026, BRAND, Sophie, GBR, 4, 266, 0 +100029, Plowman, Jessie, GBR, 3, 256, 0 100024, BRAND, James, GBR, 3, 235, 0 + 60007, LI, Chenying, CHN, 2, 152, 0 100025, BRAND, Lucy, GBR, 1, 204, 0
List of players
- BERG Matthias (Germany)
- BRAND Richard (Great-Britain)
- BRAND Lucy (Great-Britain)
- BRAND Henry (Great-Britain)
- BRAND Sophie (Great-Britain)
- BRAND James (Great-Britain)
- LEADER Imre (Great-Britain)
- LI Chenying (China)
- MARSON Phil (Great-Britain)
- PLOWMAN Guy (Great-Britain)
- PLOWMAN Luke (Great-Britain)
- PLOWMAN Jessie (Great-Britain)
- PLOWMAN Mark (Great-Britain)
- STANZIONE Pierluigi (Italy)
14 players
Here are all results.
2015-02-28 → 2015-03-01: Cambridge Open(Great-Britain)BRAND Richard | 34-30 | BRAND James |
LEADER Imre | 57-07 | LI Chenying |
PLOWMAN Jessie | 15-49 | PLOWMAN Mark |
MARSON Phil | 12-52 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
PLOWMAN Guy | 49-15 | BRAND Sophie |
BERG Matthias | 64-00 | BRAND Lucy |
BRAND Henry | 21-43 | PLOWMAN Luke |
BRAND Sophie | 12-52 | BRAND Richard |
LI Chenying | 00-64 | MARSON Phil |
BRAND James | 24-40 | BRAND Henry |
STANZIONE Pierluigi | 17-47 | PLOWMAN Guy |
PLOWMAN Mark | 00-64 | LEADER Imre |
PLOWMAN Luke | 09-55 | BERG Matthias |
BRAND Lucy | 28-36 | PLOWMAN Jessie |
LEADER Imre | 21-43 | BERG Matthias |
BRAND Henry | 11-53 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
PLOWMAN Guy | 47-17 | BRAND Richard |
PLOWMAN Jessie | 18-46 | PLOWMAN Luke |
BRAND Lucy | 09-55 | BRAND Sophie |
MARSON Phil | 60-04 | PLOWMAN Mark |
LI Chenying | 15-49 | BRAND James |
PLOWMAN Luke | 26-38 | MARSON Phil |
LI Chenying | 37-27 | BRAND Lucy |
BRAND James | 06-58 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
BRAND Sophie | 10-54 | PLOWMAN Jessie |
BERG Matthias | 33-31 | PLOWMAN Guy |
BRAND Richard | 12-52 | LEADER Imre |
PLOWMAN Mark | 44-20 | BRAND Henry |
PLOWMAN Luke | 18-46 | PLOWMAN Mark |
PLOWMAN Guy | 18-46 | LEADER Imre |
STANZIONE Pierluigi | 32-32 | BERG Matthias |
BRAND Henry | 12-52 | BRAND Sophie |
MARSON Phil | 43-21 | BRAND Richard |
PLOWMAN Jessie | 30-34 | LI Chenying |
BRAND Lucy | 31-33 | BRAND James |
BRAND James | 40-24 | PLOWMAN Jessie |
BRAND Henry | 49-15 | BRAND Lucy |
PLOWMAN Mark | 00-64 | PLOWMAN Guy |
BRAND Sophie | 35-29 | LI Chenying |
BERG Matthias | 52-12 | MARSON Phil |
BRAND Richard | 54-10 | PLOWMAN Luke |
LEADER Imre | 43-21 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
BRAND Lucy | 01-63 | PLOWMAN Luke |
MARSON Phil | 18-46 | LEADER Imre |
LI Chenying | 06-58 | BRAND Richard |
PLOWMAN Guy | 53-11 | BRAND James |
BERG Matthias | 64-00 | BRAND Sophie |
PLOWMAN Jessie | 36-28 | BRAND Henry |
STANZIONE Pierluigi | 51-13 | PLOWMAN Mark |
LEADER Imre | 62-02 | PLOWMAN Jessie |
PLOWMAN Luke | 21-43 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
MARSON Phil | 26-38 | PLOWMAN Guy |
PLOWMAN Mark | 48-16 | BRAND Lucy |
BRAND James | 20-44 | BRAND Sophie |
BRAND Henry | 40-24 | LI Chenying |
BRAND Richard | 31-33 | BERG Matthias |
PLOWMAN Jessie | 25-39 | MARSON Phil |
PLOWMAN Guy | 52-12 | BRAND Henry |
BERG Matthias | 58-06 | PLOWMAN Mark |
STANZIONE Pierluigi | 46-18 | BRAND Richard |
BRAND Sophie | 13-51 | LEADER Imre |
PLOWMAN Luke | 47-17 | BRAND James |
BRAND James | 00-64 | BERG Matthias |
LEADER Imre | 63-01 | PLOWMAN Luke |
BRAND Richard | 34-30 | PLOWMAN Mark |
BRAND Sophie | 19-45 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
BRAND Lucy | 14-50 | MARSON Phil |
PLOWMAN Guy | 61-03 | PLOWMAN Jessie |
STANZIONE Pierluigi | 51-13 | PLOWMAN Jessie |
LEADER Imre | 59-05 | BRAND James |
MARSON Phil | 53-11 | BRAND Sophie |
PLOWMAN Luke | 09-55 | PLOWMAN Guy |
BERG Matthias | 64-00 | BRAND Henry |
BRAND Richard | 41-23 | BRAND Lucy |
PLOWMAN Guy | 33-31 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
LEADER Imre | 42-22 | BERG Matthias |
BERG Matthias | 27-37 | LEADER Imre |