32nd Dutch Othello Open (Netherlands)
No standings were registered for this tournament.
List of players
- ANDRIANI Bintsa (France)
- AUGUSTIJN Arjan (Netherlands)
- BIARD Patricia (Netherlands)
- DE BOER Rosalinde (Netherlands)
- DE GRAAF Corrie (Netherlands)
- DE GRAAF Jan C. (Netherlands)
- DE JONG Vivienne (Netherlands)
- EEKHOUT Dennis (Netherlands)
- EVERTS Jeroen (Sweden)
- FRANSEN Martin (Netherlands)
- GAYET Surya (Netherlands)
- HOBO Roel (Netherlands)
- HOETJES Tim (Netherlands)
- IN HET ZANDT Bas (Netherlands)
- JANSSENS Daisy (Netherlands)
- KEETMAN Dennis (Netherlands)
- KEETMAN Stef (Netherlands)
- KORTENDIJK Albert (Netherlands)
- KROP Mitchel (Netherlands)
- LUBBERS Lammie (Netherlands)
- LUBBERS Jan (Netherlands)
- LUBBERS Melvin (Netherlands)
- MEIJER Arnoud (Netherlands)
- REUNES Nick (Belgium)
- SNEEK Marcel (Netherlands)
- VAN DEN BERG Erwin (Netherlands)
- VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel (Netherlands)
- VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky (Netherlands)
- VAN DEN HURK Yorick (Netherlands)
- VAN GIMST Anja (Netherlands)
- VAN GIMST Ruud (Netherlands)
- VAN SCHAIK Marye (Netherlands)
- VISSER Erik (Netherlands)
- WOJDA Iwona (Poland)
34 players
Here are all results.
2006-07-16: 32nd Dutch Othello Open(Netherlands)DE GRAAF Jan C. | won against | FRANSEN Martin |
ANDRIANI Bintsa | won against | AUGUSTIJN Arjan |
VAN DEN BERG Erwin | lost to | VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky |
GAYET Surya | 32-32 | HOETJES Tim |
HOBO Roel | won against | VAN GIMST Anja |
EVERTS Jeroen | won against | VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel |
MEIJER Arnoud | won against | IN HET ZANDT Bas |
KORTENDIJK Albert | won against | VAN DEN HURK Yorick |
LUBBERS Lammie | lost to | VISSER Erik |
BIARD Patricia | won against | WOJDA Iwona |
REUNES Nick | won against | DE BOER Rosalinde |
DE GRAAF Corrie | lost to | VAN GIMST Ruud |
LUBBERS Melvin | won against | KEETMAN Stef |
DE JONG Vivienne | lost to | VAN SCHAIK Marye |
SNEEK Marcel | won against | LUBBERS Jan |
JANSSENS Daisy | won against | EEKHOUT Dennis |
KEETMAN Dennis | won against | KROP Mitchel |
VISSER Erik | lost to | ANDRIANI Bintsa |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | EVERTS Jeroen |
MEIJER Arnoud | won against | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
KORTENDIJK Albert | won against | HOBO Roel |
IN HET ZANDT Bas | won against | GAYET Surya |
VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel | won against | REUNES Nick |
VAN GIMST Anja | won against | JANSSENS Daisy |
AUGUSTIJN Arjan | won against | KEETMAN Dennis |
HOETJES Tim | lost to | VAN DEN BERG Erwin |
VAN DEN HURK Yorick | won against | LUBBERS Melvin |
FRANSEN Martin | won against | SNEEK Marcel |
VAN GIMST Ruud | won against | VAN SCHAIK Marye |
DE BOER Rosalinde | won against | DE JONG Vivienne |
LUBBERS Jan | lost to | BIARD Patricia |
WOJDA Iwona | 32-32 | DE GRAAF Corrie |
KEETMAN Stef | lost to | LUBBERS Lammie |
KROP Mitchel | won against | EEKHOUT Dennis |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | MEIJER Arnoud |
ANDRIANI Bintsa | lost to | KORTENDIJK Albert |
BIARD Patricia | lost to | AUGUSTIJN Arjan |
VAN DEN BERG Erwin | won against | VAN GIMST Ruud |
IN HET ZANDT Bas | won against | VISSER Erik |
HOBO Roel | won against | FRANSEN Martin |
EVERTS Jeroen | won against | VAN DEN HURK Yorick |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | won against | VAN GIMST Anja |
VAN SCHAIK Marye | lost to | HOETJES Tim |
JANSSENS Daisy | lost to | REUNES Nick |
GAYET Surya | lost to | VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel |
KEETMAN Dennis | lost to | DE BOER Rosalinde |
LUBBERS Melvin | lost to | LUBBERS Lammie |
SNEEK Marcel | won against | WOJDA Iwona |
EEKHOUT Dennis | lost to | KEETMAN Stef |
DE JONG Vivienne | won against | LUBBERS Jan |
DE GRAAF Corrie | won against | KROP Mitchel |
KORTENDIJK Albert | lost to | VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky |
MEIJER Arnoud | lost to | HOBO Roel |
VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel | lost to | ANDRIANI Bintsa |
AUGUSTIJN Arjan | won against | EVERTS Jeroen |
VAN DEN BERG Erwin | lost to | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
HOETJES Tim | won against | IN HET ZANDT Bas |
DE BOER Rosalinde | won against | BIARD Patricia |
LUBBERS Lammie | won against | SNEEK Marcel |
REUNES Nick | lost to | FRANSEN Martin |
VISSER Erik | won against | VAN GIMST Ruud |
GAYET Surya | won against | DE GRAAF Corrie |
KROP Mitchel | lost to | JANSSENS Daisy |
VAN SCHAIK Marye | lost to | LUBBERS Melvin |
VAN DEN HURK Yorick | won against | VAN GIMST Anja |
LUBBERS Jan | won against | EEKHOUT Dennis |
KEETMAN Stef | won against | DE JONG Vivienne |
WOJDA Iwona | won against | KEETMAN Dennis |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | ANDRIANI Bintsa |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | lost to | KORTENDIJK Albert |
HOBO Roel | won against | AUGUSTIJN Arjan |
DE BOER Rosalinde | lost to | VISSER Erik |
FRANSEN Martin | won against | HOETJES Tim |
EVERTS Jeroen | 32-32 | MEIJER Arnoud |
VAN DEN HURK Yorick | won against | VAN DEN BERG Erwin |
LUBBERS Lammie | lost to | GAYET Surya |
IN HET ZANDT Bas | won against | VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel |
LUBBERS Melvin | lost to | BIARD Patricia |
VAN GIMST Ruud | won against | JANSSENS Daisy |
VAN GIMST Anja | won against | WOJDA Iwona |
DE GRAAF Corrie | lost to | REUNES Nick |
SNEEK Marcel | won against | KEETMAN Stef |
DE JONG Vivienne | won against | KROP Mitchel |
EEKHOUT Dennis | lost to | VAN SCHAIK Marye |
KEETMAN Dennis | lost to | LUBBERS Jan |
HOBO Roel | lost to | VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky |
VISSER Erik | won against | VAN DEN HURK Yorick |
AUGUSTIJN Arjan | won against | KORTENDIJK Albert |
ANDRIANI Bintsa | lost to | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
FRANSEN Martin | lost to | IN HET ZANDT Bas |
HOETJES Tim | lost to | EVERTS Jeroen |
GAYET Surya | lost to | MEIJER Arnoud |
BIARD Patricia | won against | SNEEK Marcel |
REUNES Nick | won against | LUBBERS Lammie |
VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel | lost to | DE BOER Rosalinde |
VAN GIMST Anja | lost to | VAN GIMST Ruud |
JANSSENS Daisy | won against | DE JONG Vivienne |
LUBBERS Jan | lost to | LUBBERS Melvin |
KEETMAN Stef | won against | DE GRAAF Corrie |
VAN SCHAIK Marye | lost to | VAN DEN BERG Erwin |
EEKHOUT Dennis | won against | KEETMAN Dennis |
KROP Mitchel | lost to | WOJDA Iwona |
KORTENDIJK Albert | won against | VISSER Erik |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | lost to | HOBO Roel |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | AUGUSTIJN Arjan |
EVERTS Jeroen | lost to | IN HET ZANDT Bas |
MEIJER Arnoud | won against | BIARD Patricia |
DE BOER Rosalinde | lost to | ANDRIANI Bintsa |
VAN DEN HURK Yorick | won against | REUNES Nick |
VAN GIMST Ruud | lost to | HOETJES Tim |
VAN DEN BERG Erwin | lost to | FRANSEN Martin |
LUBBERS Melvin | lost to | GAYET Surya |
WOJDA Iwona | lost to | LUBBERS Jan |
LUBBERS Lammie | won against | VAN DEN BESSELAAR Daniel |
SNEEK Marcel | won against | JANSSENS Daisy |
VAN GIMST Anja | won against | KEETMAN Stef |
VAN SCHAIK Marye | lost to | KROP Mitchel |
DE GRAAF Corrie | lost to | KEETMAN Dennis |
DE JONG Vivienne | won against | EEKHOUT Dennis |