
TUCCI Alessandro (Italy)

63 tournaments
498 results
Player ID: 2842
Rated 20 in Italy and 120 in Europe and 662 in the World
Latest rating: 1736
2024-02-242024-02-25: Torneo Internazionale di Roma(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro39-25CAVIOLA Leonardo
DI COLA Severino33-31TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro55-09PRIVITERA Biagio
DI PIETRO Massimo35-29TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro40-24VECCHI Maria Serena
SPERANDIO Roberto40-24TUCCI Alessandro
PECCERILLO Vincenzo64-00TUCCI Alessandro
2022-07-02: 1 European Othello Championship(Italy)
BOE Alexander31-33TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro16-48WETTERGREN Niklas
KUJAWA Ewa24-40TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro35-29DUFOUR Daniel
AAGAARD-HANSEN Jens30-34TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro35-29HOBO Roel
SPERANDIO Roberto48-16TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro12-52EKLUND Oskar
TUCCI Alessandro18-46VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky
FERRANDO Marco25-39TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro33-31DIODATI Michele
TUCCI Alessandro33-31FERRANDO Marco
TUCCI Alessandro30-34ROMANO Benedetto
2021-11-27: Italian Championship 2021(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro53-11PAGNONI Diego Maria
PACE Alessandro34-30TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro41-23RINALDI Marco
SCOGNAMIGLIO Paolo33-31TUCCI Alessandro
2018-06-162018-06-17: Campionati Italiani 2018(Italy)
PANTANI Antonio16-48TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro11-53SPERANDIO Roberto
VECCHI Elisabetta25-39TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro53-11DIODATI Michele
MARCONI Francesco36-28TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro24-40SCOGNAMIGLIO Paolo
TUCCI Alessandro58-06CESTRA Carla
2018-05-122018-05-13: EGP Rome 2018(Italy)
PANTANI Ennio16-48TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro31-33BARNABA Donato
ARCARA Paolo31-33TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro60-04KIM Taeyeon
KASHIWABARA Takuji39-25TUCCI Alessandro
SURY Bartlomiej56-08TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro18-46DE GRAAF Wendy
TUCCI Alessandro64-00BJORK Lisbeth
DI COLA Severino37-27TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro45-19DE GRAAF Jasmijn
CAVIOLA Leonardo30-34TUCCI Alessandro
2017-09-09: Campionati Italiani 2017(Italy)
MARCONI Francesco49-15TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro40-24VECCHI Maria Serena
CESTRA Carla15-49TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro38-26ILACQUA Gianluca
SPERANDIO Damiano31-33TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro11-53SCOGNAMIGLIO Paolo
DI MATTEI Alessandro49-15TUCCI Alessandro
2014-09-062014-09-07: Campionati Italiani Assoluti(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro20-44MARCONI Francesco
DIODATI Michele12-52TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro46-18ILACQUA Gianluca
TUCCI Alessandro20-44BARNABA Donato
ORTIZ George47-17TUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Roberto52-12TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro21-43DI MATTEI Alessandro
2014-06-29: Citta di Roma - Stage V(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro53-11TERRIBILI Cristina
PACE Alessandro33-31TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro45-19PRIVITERA Biagio
CENCI Alessio18-46TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro47-17DIODATI Michele
2014-05-11: Citta di Roma Stage IV(Italy)
SERPE Patrick19-45TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro49-15CAVIOLA Leonardo
TUCCI Alessandro20-44ORTIZ George
DEBERTOLIS Giulia28-36TUCCI Alessandro
DIODATI Michele40-24TUCCI Alessandro
2014-02-16: Citta di Roma - Stage II(Italy)
TERRIBILI Cristina16-48TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro54-10MALATESTA Sofia
SPERANDIO Roberto48-16TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro26-38DEBERTOLIS Giulia
PANTANI Antonio00-64TUCCI Alessandro
2011-09-172011-09-18: Campionato Italiano Assoluto(Italy)
SPERANDIO Roberto52-12TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro49-15ILACQUA Gianluca
TUCCI Alessandro27-37SCOGNAMIGLIO Paolo
MARCONI Francesco54-10TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro14-50BORASSI Michele
DI MATTEI Alessandro33-31TUCCI Alessandro
2010-01-162010-01-17: EGP Roma(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro26-38BORASSI Michele
MACCHERONI Alessandro27-37TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro32-32MARCONI Francesco
FERRARI Tommaso13-51TUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Roberto41-23TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro33-31SCOGNAMIGLIO Paolo
BARNABA Donato52-12TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro12-52DI PIETRO Massimo
LAI Fabrizio15-49TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro27-37CAVIOLA Leonardo
VANZINI Paolo13-51TUCCI Alessandro
2008-06-01: Open di Roma (GPI) - 1 giugno 2008(Italy)
KASHIWABARA Takuji21-43TUCCI Alessandro
BORASSI Michele59-05TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro24-40SPERANDIO Damiano
DI MATTEI Alessandro37-27TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro45-19RUSSO Luigi
SAGRATELLA Simone32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro52-12DI PIETRO Massimo
2007-03-25: IIIe tappa Citta di Roma 2007(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toDI MATTEI Alessandro
RUSSO Luigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSPERANDIO Roberto
DI PIETRO Massimowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstMARCONI Flavio
SPERANDIO Damianowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
2007-01-132007-01-14: EGP Rome(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toHOBO Roel
STRADA Fabiowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstZIEBA Grzegorz
ALAMI Carlowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstLORO Ezio
TUCCI Alessandrolost toANDRIANI Bintsa
ORTIZ Georgewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SIGNORINI Claudiowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstKRACZYK Roman
CAVIOLA Leonardolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toDIODATI Michele
2006-12-10: Citta di Roma 2007 - I tappa(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDIODATI Michele
CAVIOLA Leonardolost toTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Damianowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
DI MATTEI Alessandrowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstRUSSO Luigi
2006-04-02: Citta di ROMA(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toRUSSO Luigi
TERZI Alfredolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDIODATI Michele
SPERANDIO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toDI MATTEI Alessandro
SAGRATELLA Simonelost toTUCCI Alessandro
2006-03-19: Torre del Greco Open(Italy)
BORASSI Michelewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstTEDESCO Giuseppe
LAMBERTI Luigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toLIGUORI Tommaso
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Damianolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDIODATI Michele
2006-02-19: Roma Open(Italy)
MARCONI Francescowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toDI PIETRO Massimo
LORO Eziolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toDIODATI Michele
DI COLA Severinolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDI GIAMBATTISTA Francesco
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
2005-12-04: II tappa CDR 2005-2006(Italy)
SPERANDIO Roberto56-08TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro47-17LAI Fabrizio
DIODATI Michele39-25TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro45-19TERZI Alfredo
LIGUORI Tommaso32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro22-42SPERANDIO Damiano
TUCCI Alessandro53-11DI MATTEI Alessandro
2005-10-02: Italian Championship(Italy)
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toPALLADINO Domenico
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Damiano
BARNABA Donatolost toTUCCI Alessandro
DI MATTEI Alessandrowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBORASSI Michele
2005-09-18: I tappa Citta di Roma 2005-06(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro43-21DIODATI Michele
DI COLA Severino28-36TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro34-30DI GIAMBATTISTA Francesco
SPERANDIO Roberto51-13TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro21-43DI MATTEI Alessandro
SAGRATELLA Simone34-30TUCCI Alessandro
2005-01-292005-01-30: EGP Roma(Italy)
MARCONI Francescowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstROMANO Benedetto
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDIODATI Michele
KRACZYK Romanwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSAGRATELLA Simone
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVECCHI Elisabetta
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBRIENZA Mauro
2004-11-28: III tappa Citta di Roma 2004(Italy)
DIODATI Michele28-36TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro38-26SPERANDIO Roberto
TUCCI Alessandro30-34SPERANDIO Damiano
SAGRATELLA Simone33-31TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro12-52BRIENZA Mauro
DI MATTEI Alessandro35-29TUCCI Alessandro
ALAMI Carlo19-45TUCCI Alessandro
2004-09-12: II tappa Citta di Roma 2004(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro41-23DIODATI Michele
SPERANDIO Damiano29-35TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro64-00VECCHI Elisabetta
TUCCI Alessandro24-40SPERANDIO Roberto
DI MATTEI Alessandro29-35TUCCI Alessandro
DI COLA Severino33-31TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro46-18DI GIAMBATTISTA Francesco
2004-05-16: Roma Open(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSAGRATELLA Simone
DI COLA Severinolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVECCHI Elisabetta
TERZI Alfredowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
DIODATI Michelelost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDI GIAMBATTISTA Francesco
2004-03-28: 9 tappa Nauta Cafe Othello Trophy(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro38-26SAGRATELLA Simone
SPERANDIO Roberto53-11TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro29-33DI COLA Severino
2004-02-01: I Roma Open 2004(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSILVESTRI Cristina
KASHIWABARA Takujiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDIODATI Michele
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toTERZI Alfredo
SPERANDIO Damianowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVECCHI Elisabetta
2003-09-202003-09-21: Italian Championship(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBARNABA Donato
PUZZO Luigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSTANZIONE Pierluigi
MARCONI Francescolost toTUCCI Alessandro
SIGNORINI Claudiowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPRIVITERA Biagio
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
2003-05-04: XVI Open di Torre del Greco(Italy)
LOFFREDO Lucialost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSTANZIONE Pierluigi
TEDESCO Giuseppelost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVENERATO Fabrizio
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro32-32LAMBERTI Luigi
D'ALESSANDRO Rosalost toTUCCI Alessandro
2003-03-16: ROMA Open(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstLOFFREDO Lucia
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstTOMMASI Amedeo
KASHIWABARA Takujiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
LIGUORI Tommasowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toLUCCHESE Davide
DIODATI Michelewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
2002-12-082002-12-09: EGP Milan(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toKASHIWABARA Takuji
DELLABIANCA Giovannilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstLUCCHESE Davide
HOEHNE Andreas32-32TUCCI Alessandro
BARNABA Donatowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVAN BRUNSCHOT Chantall
QUAZZO Claudewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstJONGKIND Robbert
MEIJER Arnoudlost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toMARCONI Francesco
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
2002-09-072002-09-08: Campionato Italiano Assoluto - Torre del Greco(Italy)
MARCONI Francescowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
BARNABA Donatowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
MENOZZI Giuseppewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
FERRANDO Marco32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVECCHI Elisabetta
TUCCI Alessandrolost toFASCE Paolo
2002-07-21: Gran Maestro XVIII - Mulinetti di Recco (GE)(Italy)
SPERANDIO Roberto32-32TUCCI Alessandro
BARNABA Donatowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
STANZIONE Pierluigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
MENOZZI Giuseppewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Damiano
TUCCI Alessandrolost toFERRANDO Marco
TUCCI Alessandrolost toANTONELLI Stefano
2001-12-082001-12-09: EGP Milan(Italy)
BARNABA Donatowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
BIANCHI Paolowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
CORDY Alexandrewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
DAGNINO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
DELLABIANCA Giovannilost toTUCCI Alessandro
HOEHNE Andreaslost toTUCCI Alessandro
HUBBARD Geofflost toTUCCI Alessandro
KASHIWABARA Takujiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
CASTELLANO Giorgiowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTASTNA Jan
2000-04-292000-04-30: Grand Prix Europeo - Torino(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toHUBBARD Geoff
BUCCOLIERO Gianfrancolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
CASTELLANO Giorgiolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBARNABA Donato
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCOTTOGNI Gianni
BERSAGLIERI Danielalost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toTASTET Marc
MENOZZI Giuseppewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSILVOLA Andrea
2000-03-19: Roma Open - Grand Prix Italiano(Italy)
SILVOLA Danielelost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSILVOLA Andrea
SPERANDIO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTANZIONE Pierluigi
MARCONI Francescolost toTUCCI Alessandro
NAKAJIMA Tetsuyawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toMENOZZI Giuseppe
2000-01-16: XIII Open Torre del Greco(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
LAMBERTI Luigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstALAMI Carlo
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSILVOLA Andrea
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
IOVINE Giovannilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstAMIRANTE Andrea
1999-10-161999-10-17: Campionato Italiano Assoluto - Torre del Greco (NA)(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstROMANO Benedetto
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSPERANDIO Roberto
MENOZZI Giuseppewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPRIVITERA Biagio
VECCHI Elisabettalost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro32-32MARCONI Francesco
SILVOLA Andrealost toTUCCI Alessandro
SILVOLA Andrealost toTUCCI Alessandro
MARCONI Francescowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
MARCONI Francescowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1999-09-12: Gran Maestro 1999 - Roma(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toROMANO Benedetto
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstMARCONI Francesco
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toMENOZZI Giuseppe
SILVOLA Andrea32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
1999-05-011999-05-02: Tournoi de Genes(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toPERES Ennio
MUTTI Andrealost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBIANCHI Paolo
GROSSO Luigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toROMANO Benedetto
FASCE Paolowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVIT Jiri
MENOZZI Giuseppelost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSEKNADJE Jose
D'AVINO Gaetanolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
1999-03-28: Torre del Greco(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstAMIRANTE Andrea
ROMANO Benedettolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTANZIONE Pierluigi
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
CASTELLANO Giorgiolost toTUCCI Alessandro
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBORRIELLO Vittorio
1999-02-28: XIV Open di Roma(Italy)
CORRADI Federica32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro32-32SPERANDIO Roberto
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVECCHI Maria Serena
FALBO Sandrolost toTUCCI Alessandro
ROMANO Benedettolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toMENOZZI Giuseppe
1998-12-121998-12-13: Italian All Star(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandro32-32SILVOLA Andrea
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTANZIONE Pierluigi
LAMBERTI Luigi32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
FERRANDO Marcolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstROMANO Benedetto
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1997-08-231997-08-24: Olympiades des jeux 2 MSO2(Great-Britain)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstTAKEDA Kyoko
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSHIFMAN Leonid
TASTET Marcwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstHORIUCHI Keiko
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstHANDEL Michael
MURAKAMI Takeshiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SHAMAN Davidwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
BRIGHTWELL Grahamwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
CASPARD Emmanuelwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
ARNOLD Roywon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1997-08-181997-08-22: Olympiades des jeux 1 MSO1(Great-Britain)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstANDRIANI Bintsa
TASTET Marcwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstMARSON Phil
SHIFMAN Benyamin32-32TUCCI Alessandro
BRIGHTWELL Grahamwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPARSONS Steven
NAKAJIMA Tetsuyawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVECCHI Elisabetta
HANDEL Michaelwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SHAMAN Davidwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCALI Elie
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstRIAZ Asim
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstHASSABIS George
SUEKUNI Makotowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1997-05-241997-05-25: EGP Genova(Italy)
TRAVERSO Mariolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstTASTET Marc
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro32-32FASCE Paolo
MICHELOTTI Guidolost toTUCCI Alessandro
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTANZIONE Pierluigi
VECCHI Elisabettalost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toMENOZZI Giuseppe
VIVIANI Albertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstANDRIANI Bintsa
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1997-04-20: 5e Torneo di Firenze(Italy)
MARTINI Francescolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
STANZIONE Pierluigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstFASCE Paolo
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
CHIARUGI Pamelalost toTUCCI Alessandro
MENOZZI Giuseppelost toTUCCI Alessandro
1997-03-16: X Open Torre del Greco(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toROMANO Benedetto
DE GREGORIO Emilianowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCASTALDO Maurizio
IOVINE Giovannilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSCARPELLINO Luca
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPIRONE Alfredo
1997-02-08: XII Milan Open(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVECCHI Elisabetta
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
FANELLO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSTANZIONE Pierluigi
COLAO Lucalost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBARNABA Donato
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1997-02-01: II CITTA' DI TORINO(Italy)
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstFOSSANI Giovanni
VECCHI Elisabettalost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstRONCA Antonello
SPERANDIO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
BARNABA Donatolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toROMANO Benedetto
1996-12-08: XII Open di Roma(Italy)
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVECCHI Elisabetta
BRIENZA Maurolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toPEROTTI Mauro
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Damiano
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstFASCE Paolo
1996-10-01: Gran Maestro 96(Italy)
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSILVOLA Andrea
PEROTTI Maurowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPEROTTI Mauro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstROMANO Benedetto
1996-09-211996-09-22: Championnats Italiens(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstLAMBERTI Luigi
PRIVITERA Biagiolost toTUCCI Alessandro
BARNABA Donatowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVECCHI Elisabetta
ROMANO Benedettolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandro32-32SILVOLA Andrea
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstROMANO Benedetto
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1996-06-16: XI ROMA open(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSTANZIONE Pierluigi
D'AMICO Massimolost toTUCCI Alessandro
FASCE Paololost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toROMANO Benedetto
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVECCHI Maria Serena
SILVOLA Andrealost toTUCCI Alessandro
1996-05-251996-05-26: EGP Florence(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPENLOUP Dominique
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstTASTET Marc
LUND Eriklost toTUCCI Alessandro
SHAMAN Davidwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toFELDBORG Karsten
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSILVOLA Andrea
ROMANO Benedettowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
CORRADI Federicalost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSPERANDIO Roberto
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstNICOLET Stephane
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1996-05-12: Verona Open(Italy)
COMERCI Michelewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSCARPA Narciso
FASCE Paololost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSIGNORINI Claudio
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBARNABA Donato
SPERANDIO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
1996-03-17: IX OPEN TORRE DEL GRECO(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstFORMICOLA Dario
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
SILVOLA Andrealost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCAPUOZZO Marcello
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBRIENZA Mauro
SPERANDIO Robertolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toVECCHI Elisabetta
1996-01-14: XI MILANO OPEN(Italy)
CASTALDO Mauriziolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstLAMBERTI Luigi
SPERANDIO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTANZIONE Pierluigi
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCASTELLANO Giorgio
SILVOLA Andreawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toBARNABA Donato
1995-12-03: VI Torneo Citta' di Genova(Italy)
FANELLO Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCORRADI Federica
MORETTI Marcolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCASTELLANO Giorgio
VECCHI Elisabettawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
BIANCHI Paololost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSILVOLA Andrea
1995-05-221995-05-23: EGP Rome(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrolost toROMANO Benedetto
STANZIONE Pierluigilost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toLUND Erik
MARCONI Francescolost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrolost toCASPARD Emmanuel
LAMIA Salvatorelost toTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstBARNABA Donato
TUCCI Alessandrolost toSPERANDIO Roberto
SILVOLA Andrea32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDIODATI Piero
NICOLET Stephanewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
1994-05-211994-05-22: EGP Rome(Italy)
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVOICU Andres
TASTET Marcwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TRAMMA Riccardowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
VENERITO Marcowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
STANZIONE Pierluigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstPFISTER Valerio
LAMBERTI Luigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDE GREGORIO Emiliano
ROBIN Francois32-32TUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCOMERCI Michele
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstVECCHI Elisabetta
1993-05-221993-05-23: EGP Rome(Italy)
TASTET Marcwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
COMERCI Michelewon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstSTANZIONE Pierluigi
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstDE GREGORIO Emiliano
VECCHI Elisabettawon againstTUCCI Alessandro
LAMBERTI Luigiwon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCAPUOZZO Marcello
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstOLIVARES Daniel
TRAMMA Robertowon againstTUCCI Alessandro
TUCCI Alessandrowon againstCASTALDO Maurizio
TRAMMA Leandrowon againstTUCCI Alessandro